Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse Mythology Questions

Why do the gods care when Idunn is kidnapped?
Idunn is important to the gods because of the fact that in truth she decides whether they live or die since her golden apple keep them youthful. Her apples prevent them from aging.

From reading the myths of Northern Europe, what do we learn about their culture and values. Be specific. Support your claims with examples.
From reading the myths of Northern Europe we learn that their culture doesn't necessarily believe in immortality which means that everything has limits. We also learn that to the Norse people that they value loyalty and kindness.

Who is more like Prometheus, Loki or Odin? Support your decision.
Odin is more like Prometheus because he is willing to sacrifice so much of his own comfort for the ultimate benefit of others
no matter what the price might be such as giving up an eye and hanging from a tree.

Identify three other ways in which Norse mythology is like other myths that we have studied so far. Be specific.
Norse mythology is like other mythology we have studied so far in the way it has a beginning before the universe was actually created (Ginnungagap), it has a story of how the world was created (out of Ymir's corpse), and it has a story of how human being were created (from an ash tree and a elm tree).

Provide three reasons that Loki is such a popular figure?
Loki is a popular figure because he is funny, he has a fairly well balanced personality, and he has large range of different emotions that easily relate to many different people.

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