Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse Mythology Definitions

  1. Vikings: Vikings were a brutal and pessimistic sea culture from Finland, Norway, and Sweden that believed in fate.
  2. Ginnungagap: Ginnungagap was the dark void before the universe was created.
  3. Nifleheim: Nifleheim was the land of fog and ice.
  4. Muspellheim: Muspellheim was the land of fire.
  5. Yggdrasil: Yggdrasil was the world Ash Tree connecting all worlds.
  6. Asgard: Asgard is the land of the gods or where the gods preside.
  7. Midgard: Midgard is the land of human beings.
  8. Hel: Hel is the land and home of the dead.
  9. Bifrost Bridge: The Bifrost Bridge is a divine bridge usually depicted as a rainbow that connects Midgard and Asgard.
  10. Ymir: Ymir was a wild, fierce, and evil frost giant who is killed and then used to create the world.
  11. Odin: Odin was the oldest and greatest of all the gods who gave one of his eyes for knowledge about everything and ruled the domains of thunder, battle, and fertility.
  12. Frigg: Frigg is Odin's wife, known as the cloud-spinner, whose domains were love destiny and marriage.
  13. The Valkyries: The Valkyries were Odin's daughters who decided who would be killed and who would be heroes.
  14. The Norns: The Norns are the Fate Maiden of the past, present, and future.
  15. Thor: Thor was Odin's fierce tempered son of thunder, battle, and fertility who wielded the hammer known as Mjolliner.
  16. Balder: Balder was Odin's most beloved son that ruled radiance, rebirth, justice, and light, and was ultimately killed by Loki.
  17. Njord: Njord was Odin's brother who ruled the wind and sea.
  18. Frey:Frey was Njord's son that ruled over prosperity, sun, rain, and fertility. He can be compared to Apollo.
  19. Freya: Freya was Njord's daughter who ruled love, fertility, beauty, magic, war, and death. She can be compared to Aphrodite.
  20. Idunn: Idunn is Odin's daughter-in-law who grows the golden apples that keep the gods youthful.
  21. Loki: Loki is a half-blood god who is the son of giants and is a trickster with magic powers.
  22. Fenrir: Fenrir is Loki's son who is know as "the wolf destroyer."
  23. Jormungandr: Jormungandr is the evil world serpent.
  24. Ragnarok: Ragnarok is doomsday. This is when Loki and his children destroy the world and evil triumphs over good.
  25. Runes: Runes are symbols usually carved into small rocks that are used as a form of communication. The Runes can be used to read a person's Fate laid out by the gods almost like tarot card readings. These Runes have many unique purposes to the Norse culture. Runes have hidden meaning behind each symbol.

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